It's Thursday so let's move! Better yet, let's turn the world upside down. Inversions are where you change your orientation so that your lower extremities are above your heart. This action kicks in your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which if you recall is your "rest and digest" system and turns off your sympathetic nervous system which is the fight, flight, or freeze system. It's also the source of your stress. We need it but we need to be able to turn it off too. Some studies have shown that inversions may stimulate the Vagus nerve which is tied to the PNS.
Inversions don't have to be a headstand or flipping in an inversion table. It can be as simple as lying on your back with your hips elevated which is the technique I am going to so you in this video. Yes, I do demonstrate an assisted headstand in the video and I put it on the cover hoping it may entice you to watch the video but don't let it scare you. I will have you defying gravity while safely on the floor. So get moving, get defying gravity with me, and take a few moments to relax.